Loop of wrong

It’s never the right place, and the time is never right. I walk down many streets and every place reminds of another, every waking moment I look anxiously forward to the next, to getting out of this endless, exhausting loop. Once I fell in the wrong spot, once I got off the path that made me happy, with every step I feel I go further away.
So now I wonder, where do these two paths cross, the restless with the peaceful. That’s where I should be. Here is where I am, in my very own Loop of wrong.

One of those rare people

Such a beautiful person! I wish I had known him and every time I read something by him or hear him talk, my love and respect for him grow. Wish there were more people like this on the Earth or in the Universe (maybe there are). I wish I could be like him, too. Rest in peace, Douglas Adams, and I hope there’s afterlife where we can meet.

За интимната връзка между в-к “Телеграф” и НЗОК

Изрезка от "Телеграф" в сграда на НЗОК на опашка за ЕЗОК

Авторитетният "Телеграф" явно е на почит в здравната каса

От Националната здравноосигурителна каса толкова нямат какво да кажат за Европейската здравноусигуротелна карта, така нареченият езок, че лепят изрезки от жълти вестници за да информират населението. Безкрайно съм щастлива, че инситуцията, която се грижи за здравето ни е толкова непрофесионална, зле организирана и чете скандално лоши вестници като “Телеграф.”

Още малко за непрофесионализма им: За да подам молба за ЕЗОК, трябваше да чакам на не една а две опашки – първата, за да си купя формуляра (простото решение: разпространете го по книжарниците, а не само в 3 поликлиники в София) и втората – за да подам попълнения формуляр. Освен това на написана на ръка хартиена бележка на самото гише пишеше, че издаването на ЕЗОК става за 16-20 дни. Според официалния сайт посветен на ЕЗОК този срок е 14 работни дни, което обаче е небивалица.

В българската реалност интернет е по-скоро средство за дезинформация. Нищо чудно, че здравните работници цитират “Телеграф” – той вероятно предлага най-достоверната информация, до която имат достъп. The horror…

Sofia fashion

Guoci girl

Brand unconscious

No one wants to become a walking add for Gucci. We Bulgarians have been boycotting fancy brands for ages, whether on purpose or not.

[sorry for the bad picture quality, I took it with my phone]


The secret to living a long life is living a beautiful life.

Desiderada out of the box

Desiderada graphic

Through wordle.net

Strange decisions

  • Sony Ericsson’s new slogan is “make.believe”


I wonder how many people were involved in coming up with that and how come no one checked with the dictionary. They must have been quite exhausted:

make-believe [uncountable] when you imagine or pretend that something is real or true:
“The Sony Ericsson marketing team seems to be living in a world of make-believe.”
Ok, I may have made up the first part of the Longman Dictionary example but the rest is true. How good an idea is it to relate your company with something fake and with imaginary benefits when your phone sales are already dropping?

Change of perspective: light

It’s so hard to imagine life like this, but it’s a powerful image. The billion things we take for granted!

“Seed: What were the first things you did with this new electricity?
William Kamkwamba: I put a light bulb in my room. It was such a great experience—I didn’t sleep! Normally I went to bed around 7 pm, but I stayed up late, just looking at my light bulb, lighting up everything. I thought, Wow. I am living like people in urban areas, where they have electricity. The next step was to put light bulbs in my parent’s house.”

Full interview: